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Bethany Grover

Design Consultant





Instagram: the_woolly_designer

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A Bit About Me

Hi, I'm Beth! My love for consulting began in 2021 when I co-founded a Sustainable Design Consultancy while studying BA Product Design at Nottingham Trent University. Continuing to develop my passion in creative consulting, The Woolly Designer (or, Woolly*), is a space I have built to continue working with other artists, designers and manufacturers.


Ensuring my design work is fun and engaging is my top priority. I have always loved to channel fun colours, materials and forms into over-the-top, abstract ideas that are focussed down into exciting, yet suitable design solutions; all while learning and fully immersing myself in different topic areas.​ Within my portfolio of work you will notice that alongside design projects, I have collections of work displayed from different creative areas (fibre arts, prop design, etc). Woolly is an embodiment of me as a designer, which in my eyes certainly includes all of the practices I enjoy and work with!


*The name 'Woolly' simply comes from the combination of two of my favourite things - Design and Crochet! Alas 'The Woolly Designer' was born.


Design Achievements

1st Class Degree with Honours

Best Thesis Award

CSWA Certified

Sustainability Employability Silver Award

Sustainability in Practice (SiP)

BA Product Design (Hons) at Nottingham Trent University

BA Product Design (Hons) at Nottingham Trent University

Solidworks CAD Design Associate

Silver Level of the Sustainability Employability Award (NTU)

Sustainability in Practice (Energy)

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